ENCHANTING! was a 2018 original Musical Theatre production produced in partnership with Cue The Lights Productions written and directed by Liana Del Mastro, music and musical direction by Darnell Thomas and choreography by Tamerra Herres. It premiered on Saturday 26th May, 2018 at The YCDSB Centre For The Arts, Thornhill, ON.
With the popularity of musical theatre shows like Into the Woods and Cinderella and movies and TV shows like Snow White and The Huntsman, Once Upon a Time and Grimm, it's clear that fairy tales are entertaining thanks, in part, to the German brothers who made them so popular. The Grimm Brothers were responsible for publishing some of the world’s most loved fairytales like, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Hansel & Gretel. Loosely based on these fairytale characters, ENCHANTING! brings together the fun and sensationalism of modern day show business and the old, magical folklore of the best-known fairy tales in a comical and entertaining way.
“Tonight, on Entertainment Tonight: The fabulous Grimm brothers win 5 Academy Awards! But just how did these brothers get to be the youngest Academy Award winning filmmakers in history?”
Travel from Hollywood to Germany! Follow the story of young and popular filmmakers, Jacob and William Grimm and their clever and creative sister Stephie, who, with their conniving Agent/Aunt, find themselves lost in the middle of the Black Forest, where they stumble upon the small, quaint German town of Fableburg. Fableburg slowly unveils itself as a very strange and mysterious place, which appears to be stuck in the 1800’s. When the brothers decide that this town, with all its interesting characters like Ella, Sleepy Betty, Hans and Gretchen and Little Red, to name a few - would be the perfect place to write their next award-winning movies, the drama unfolds. But all is not as it seems! Beyond the town festivities, Maypole dances and gingerbread houses is a scheming, money-hungry Mayor, who has a secret past and big plans for the fairytale-like town of Fableburg.